Duck Limping...

Bridger Davis

Jul 25, 2017
Evans Colorado
Hey everybody! So this morning I went to hold one of my ducks, and when she got back down on the ground, she was limping. When she stops walking, she tucks that one left foot under her wing... I immediately got the Vitamin B complex and mixed some meal worms and water with that so she can get a quick boost, and after I examined her foot several times, I really can't see that anything's wrong with it... I'll try to get pictures ASAP, but does anyone have any ideas? Thanks! @Miss Lydia @Amiga @A_Fowl_Guy
One of my runner girls hurt her leg getting out of the pool. She would hop around on the other leg and then just lay down. I gave her some B complex just like you did and just kept an eye on her. She was back to normal in a few hours. I hope it is the same outcome for your ducky! Good job keeping an eye out so you can notice these things early!
One of my runner girls hurt her leg getting out of the pool. She would hop around on the other leg and then just lay down. I gave her some B complex just like you did and just kept an eye on her. She was back to normal in a few hours. I hope it is the same outcome for your ducky! Good job keeping an eye out so you can notice these things early!

Thanks so much; and yeah, it really seems minor, so hopefully she'll recover quickly! For now, she's keeping up with the other ducks, so that's good! Thanks again!
The only thing I see is this:
limping duck_2.png

If mine I would soak for an hour in the tub, then clean it up and inspect it. And depending on what I saw, I might wrap it for a few days.

Can you take a video, upload it to youtube or vimeo, then copy and paste the link here? I suggest this because sometimes you can tell by the way they limp where the pain is coming from.
The only thing I see is this:
View attachment 1882867

If mine I would soak for an hour in the tub, then clean it up and inspect it. And depending on what I saw, I might wrap it for a few days.

Can you take a video, upload it to youtube or vimeo, then copy and paste the link here? I suggest this because sometimes you can tell by the way they limp where the pain is coming from.
You amaze me, what a keen eye you have! :bow

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