Duck pen upgrade: thoughts/suggestions on water etc


May 24, 2022
Central Texas
So we are expanding the existing duck pen which is currently occupied by
2 pekins (M/F)
to include the other faction of 3 that is currently living in the large chicken coop run:
2 Cayuga (M/F)
1 Silver A (F)
and will also be able to hold the 4 to 5 more females that we will soon get to the ratio back into balance.
This is the pen, about 19ft in diameter, which is located next to the large pond that we will be utilizing for water plumbing

Have so far dug a large trench in which the plan is to run a 3 inch pvc pipe to house the hose so water can be pumped directly from the pond. Exactly how going to store it etc has yet to be determined but rough plan is large barrels that I can then distribute as needed.
Also looking into easy/cost effective filtration


Here is where I want to float the idea of adding small pools (small troughs or something similar) that can be drained from the bottom and slightly embedded into the ground (roots make this difficult)
I would place another PVC pipe into the trench and make it where the pools could drain directly into the lake whenever necessary and then refilled.
If I could find a way to make them easily accessible/exitable for the ducks, I think this would eliminate a large amount of the mess associated with pools in duck pens. Maybe also place matting down around them as well.
I would dig a small trench to the big pen just to the right and put a pool there, then 2 more along where the trench is. They would drain directly out into the pond. Then just fill it back in.
We would then clean up the ground all to the left of the existing pen and just continue it to (or past?) the tree. Once the exterior fencing is done multiple interior pens could be constructed with interior fencing to separate the males or whatever group into 3 separate pens. Each pen would have is own pool and the two smaller ones would have small coops (bachelor pads for males) or whatnot. Separation dependant on behavior especially when the new females are introduced.

So that's the general idea
Any thoughts/recommendations on the water pump and especially the pools idea are welcome and appreciated
How clean is that pond water? I find the easiest way is to have water containers, or pools you can dump and refill as often as possible. Most pond filters would be overwhelmed by duck waste. Not sure how well your drainage is. Ducks can quickly muck up an area, and keep it wet all year.

Hopefully someone more familiar with keeping ducks in pen can help out.
How clean is that pond water? I find the easiest way is to have water containers, or pools you can dump and refill as often as possible. Most pond filters would be overwhelmed by duck waste. Not sure how well your drainage is. Ducks can quickly muck up an area, and keep it wet all year.

Hopefully someone more familiar with keeping ducks in pen can help out.
Thanks for the reply

The pond is very large but water is not clean at the moment, the bottom is dirt and sand seen here: 20220519_084553.jpg

This spring/summer I am going to build both a waterfall on one side and a large ecological pool with plants/ ducks etc on the other (in theory... that's going to be a much larger project). Until then I will still use the hose to fill the duck pools but since I've already dug the trench I'm going to go ahead and put the pvc to house the pump hose for when I'll be ready for to use it.
So I'm not overly worried about the duck waste going into the pond.

I've finished digging the trench and am just adjusting the size of the holes for the 3 tubs/pools. I found a large black tub for the largest area that is the existing pen and a baby bathtub for another: 20230111_174941.jpg

I already had the baby bathtub and am looking for something similar for the last pool... doesn't realize they are expensive so I will have to get something different but similar in shape/size.
So if all goes according to plan, drainage will be through the pvc straight into the pond. The amount of water in the pen will be only due to the ducks entering/exiting the pools and their natural behavior. Still messy, but I think very manageable. And i can drain the pools daily and add fresh water. I already clean up. After them each morning and add pine shavings where necessary etc. My plan is also to put the small black rubber mats surrounding each pool to make it even easier.

This weekend I am either going to order 4 or 5 females from Metzer (I just emailed them letting them know last time one was a male and the cause of all this) so if they can guarantee females I may do that. I was also looking into finding 3-5 females that needed a home cut cannot find any that are not attached to a male as well. There is a farm nearby that has some 1-2 year old Silver Appleyard female available.... considering that since it so close to springtime. Though i don't mind raising the ducklings and I could mix the breeds a little.... decisions decisions
What's your reasoning for returning the dirty water to the pond? Why not drain it to a garden area or make a French drain?
I considered French drain but just wanted the water to end up in the pond
Unfortunately the garden is on the other side of the property
Now i have been thinking about either
- collecting it for garden
- rerouting it and creating a small garden right there
- doing a hydroponic garden though that might be the most difficult option
you could 'return it to the pond' but doing it by making an interim step in a secondary pond. (did that make sense without the hand gestures ? )

the way they do to recycle dirty water for industrial processes, the poo would sink and then the clean water is pumped (or gravity fed) out the other side.

my apologize to your babies for comparing their poo to what comes out of tar-sand oil production 😊


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in answer to the cost issue, there are places where you can pick up a used bathtub free or close to free. Places like craigslist, (in my area) eco-centers or landfill areas where they bury construction waste, or FB marketplace. Or you can call contractors that do bathroom renovations. They normally have to pay for the waste they produce when they bring it to the landfill/recycling centers, so normally they are happy to hear from you. Mention it is for a duck pond so you can make use of tubs most people would not want (scratches or odd shapes & sizes)
I just dug a hole... The soil here made its own bottom and after a few years it looks very natural... It all depends on your soil. I like the dirt at the bottom of a hole because it grows things out of the duck-poo. (Plants and frogs and delicious bugs) the ducks like to dig in the bottom to see who is hiding (frogs it seems!)

Also... Pond liners in my area are crazy expensive as it is a specialty item...

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