Duck Pool Entry Improvement Help


Mar 1, 2023
Recently we switched from our little Kiddie pool to a larger pool. (Foldable pet based one with drain). The ducks have yet to actually use this pool which is a bummer as it is large and holds ~80 Gallons. I'm thinking they are not able to access it as easily or are just scared of it as it's taller than what they are used to. Prior to this they would use my paver steps/and/or just climb the outside of the kiddie pool to get in.

This new pool is 12" high (4' wide across). I added more pavers to make the steps higher, but they haven't gone in once in 3 days. Does anyone have any suggestions. I was thinking of putting together a ramp up to the pool, but I don't want to attach it to the pool edge itself. I'd love some ideas or easy ramp plans that wouldn't be too hard to build/cost as I'm still a novice in building stuff haha. If they won't use it, I'll have to switch back to the kiddie pool :( which is a bummer as they could actually paddle/dive in this large one.

Please give me any inspo/ideas/photos anything I'd appreciate it!
Is it one of these?
My four spoiled ladies have four pools of various sizes. They actually use the small horse feed bowls the most. But, they will climb the half cinder, full cinder block steps to get in the big one (2’ tall$ when they want to swim or it is really hot. I would float lettuce, meal worms or their favorite treat in the new pool so they get over their fear of it. Or, give them smaller pools. They might actually prefer it.

Oh, and be sure you have blocks in the pool to help them get out.
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One thing I've noticed, which might not apply to your pool's depth, is that the sharp drop-off is intimidating. It wasn't until I moved the wading next to the big pool that anyone dared the big one. They also like a high spot to stand on and bathe.

Edit: they also need to exit easily. I assumed you have a paver exit ramp.
I had a similar issue I just added more steps up and down and I put food on the steps and I put food in the water and I literally put them in the pond myself and then they would get out and find the food. I only had to put them in there once and that was all it took. I use a low stock tank but then I put in a tall stock tank and they will fly in and out of the stock tank I don't even have to put steps now. they will use the really tall stock tank and they just fly in and out and I have sun sails up and I clip their wings too cuz I don't want them to fly anywhere near where the dogs could get them if they manage to somehow get out of their duck suite. Putting them into the pond them myself worked really well. Just a suggestion.
Recently we switched from our little Kiddie pool to a larger pool. (Foldable pet based one with drain). The ducks have yet to actually use this pool which is a bummer as it is large and holds ~80 Gallons. I'm thinking they are not able to access it as easily or are just scared of it as it's taller than what they are used to. Prior to this they would use my paver steps/and/or just climb the outside of the kiddie pool to get in.

This new pool is 12" high (4' wide across). I added more pavers to make the steps higher, but they haven't gone in once in 3 days. Does anyone have any suggestions. I was thinking of putting together a ramp up to the pool, but I don't want to attach it to the pool edge itself. I'd love some ideas or easy ramp plans that wouldn't be too hard to build/cost as I'm still a novice in building stuff haha. If they won't use it, I'll have to switch back to the kiddie pool :( which is a bummer as they could actually paddle/dive in this large one.

Please give me any inspo/ideas/photos anything I'd appreciate it!
Door mats (the furry kind) make excellent duck ramps

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