Duck questions!!!


12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
North Carolina
So here's the thing, my dad will let me get ducks (I hope) if I find out about them so here are a few questions.
1. What nutritional value do their eggs have?
2. How often do they lay?
3. How much bigger are their eggs than chickens?
Congrats on your ducky future!

1. I believe similar to chicken eggs, except they contain more cholesterol (which accounts for the richer flavor)

2. Once a day, but during their lifetimes most breeds will lay less than chickens

3. Not sure, but I believe extra large is typically what they are classified as. Mine don't fit in commercial egg cartons.
Go find a copy of Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks by Dave Holderread. You won't find a better more complete guide. I have it next to my computer always.
It depends on what kind of ducks you get how often they will lay eggs. There are breeds of ducks that lay a lot of eggs, and then others, like my call ducks that basically only lay from the end of March to the end of June. Their eggs are more the size of banty eggs since they are a bantam breed. If noise will be a factor you might want to consider only getting males since they don't quack like the females do. Ducks are also much messier than chickens are........

I guess my question to you would be what you want to get out of them?
I agree with Katy, ducks are messy. Really really messy. And they smell a lot worse than chicken poop does. Our ducklings were terrors, they'd throw their drinking water everywhere (out of a waterer) and poop a lot, making a nasty wet mess. We'll be eating the offspring from ours, the last thing I want is more ducks.
LOL!!! I really want them for eggs. Trust me, all my animals are trained(even my chicks).
For example, when a chick gets really fussy I'll turn him over on his back until he shuts up and sure enough it don't take em long to bequiet. Anyways like I said, my dad wants eggs and I want ducks. So if I could find a great laying duck then I'll ask for them for Christmas and my dad will jump all over it.

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