
Oct 24, 2018
Hi lovely people!

Since getting my Muscovy duck Penny I’ve been learning the ropes of indoor duck owning. One of the biggest frustrations has been finding a diaper, and while I wish I had the sewing talents to make one I simply don’t. However, thinking about this did give me an idea!

Penny is at an age where she’s just now starting to fly so when I take her outside for a little walk I’m a bit worried about her taking off. She probably won’t, but you never know! So I started to look into duck harnesses without the diaper attachment. I couldn’t find any that I liked so I decided to make my own!

I present to you, Penny’s Ensemble!


The purple band on the right goes over the head and the purple band on the left goes over the tail to sit behind the legs.



It has an adjustable waistband with a slider and buttons for 3 different size adjustments.


The pink belly band has a snap at the end so you can detach it and make it easier to put on.

There will also be a D ring along the back strap somewhere to attach a leash to.

Everything is sewn by hand since I don’t have a machine so forgive the slightly sloppy stitching!

Now my question to you guys is, would you buy something like this? I’m thinking about offering it on Etsy but would love to get some input from people on here if it’ll even sell :D


View of it on. Wings will be tucked over it but this is just to show how it’ll fit!




Don’t mind the loose snap, I was still figuring out which sizing was working best haha


Thank you guys!

Marly & Penny
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Yes I would love to buy that but my ducks are too heavy to fly.

If I had something smaller like a mallard I would buy it right now! How much are you going to sell it for?

You did an amazing job sewing it!
I think it’s a great idea. :thumbsup

If you were to sell them, how much would you sell them for?:confused:

Yes I would love to buy that but my ducks are too heavy to fly.

If I had something smaller like a mallard I would buy it right now! How much are you going to sell it for?

You did an amazing job sewing it!

Thank you for the nice compliments!

I’d probably start off cheap around $10-$15 and then whatever shipping is! Especially since I’m still learning what works.

I plan on ordering a bunch of colorful snaps to use instead of the metal ones and probably go with a thin metal slider to make it a little less bulky
I think they would sell! If you don't want to make a bunch out of fear they don't after you have bought all the supples, you could advertise and make them to order. I would just make sure you specify that on your page.
Now can someone please tell me how to "tag" someone on this post? I have a friend that needs two of these. Lol

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