Duckings: you turn your back for 2 minutes


8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
... and just like little children, they use that moment to get into mischief!

Because the weather has been so beautiful, the past three days I've been taking the two ducklings out into the garden; the older ducks have been curious about them but, because I'm around, there have been no issues of concern. Now these ducklings are not yet 2 weeks old so they stick very much to my feet.

Yesterday I had a delivery of flat pack garden features and I set to work putting the items together. No problem, the ducklings stayed under the seat where we usually sit and the older ducks carried on free ranging. One moment the ducklings are doing the "schizo" run (you know, the fast zippy hither and thither burst) and the next, I couldn't see them! I could hear them though and guess what the cheeky little things had done? Taken themselves off into the garden pond

Now, they are not an age I would have chosen for them to go into a pool/pond, but it seems they had other ideas! The older ducks all gathered around the pond sides, watching the babies; Halo (only 11 weeks old herself) then chose to get in with the babies, but all was well and no fighting.

When Halo and my other ducks were babies, I tried introducing them to the pond by sitting next to it with them; but, as many of you have experienced, they showed absolutely no intentions of getting in .... took them quite a while before they first ventured in! But these two newer babies ... well, they just took themselves in and wallowed in the water

I can tell these two are going to keep me on my toes

On the left is an 11 day old Khaki Campbell; on the right is a 9 day old "unknown"; quite a difference in size considering only 2 days difference in age.
Wow, 9 days old and he already looks big, I wonder how old my babies are then, they still look like an egg. The little yellowy duckling hold her self up straight, but, then again she may just be looking at something, but my guess would be an indian runner.
... and just like little children, they use that moment to get into mischief!

Because the weather has been so beautiful, the past three days I've been taking the two ducklings out into the garden; the older ducks have been curious about them but, because I'm around, there have been no issues of concern. Now these ducklings are not yet 2 weeks old so they stick very much to my feet.

Yesterday I had a delivery of flat pack garden features and I set to work putting the items together. No problem, the ducklings stayed under the seat where we usually sit and the older ducks carried on free ranging. One moment the ducklings are doing the "schizo" run (you know, the fast zippy hither and thither burst) and the next, I couldn't see them! I could hear them though and guess what the cheeky little things had done? Taken themselves off into the garden pond

Now, they are not an age I would have chosen for them to go into a pool/pond, but it seems they had other ideas! The older ducks all gathered around the pond sides, watching the babies; Halo (only 11 weeks old herself) then chose to get in with the babies, but all was well and no fighting.

When Halo and my other ducks were babies, I tried introducing them to the pond by sitting next to it with them; but, as many of you have experienced, they showed absolutely no intentions of getting in .... took them quite a while before they first ventured in! But these two newer babies ... well, they just took themselves in and wallowed in the water

I can tell these two are going to keep me on my toes

On the left is an 11 day old Khaki Campbell; on the right is a 9 day old "unknown"; quite a difference in size considering only 2 days difference in age.
What a sweet story Mum, they are adorable. my 2 older ducklings 14 weeks and 10weeks love the pool my 6 week old still prefers the cat litter box.
... and just like little children, they use that moment to get into mischief!

Because the weather has been so beautiful, the past three days I've been taking the two ducklings out into the garden; the older ducks have been curious about them but, because I'm around, there have been no issues of concern. Now these ducklings are not yet 2 weeks old so they stick very much to my feet.

Yesterday I had a delivery of flat pack garden features and I set to work putting the items together. No problem, the ducklings stayed under the seat where we usually sit and the older ducks carried on free ranging. One moment the ducklings are doing the "schizo" run (you know, the fast zippy hither and thither burst) and the next, I couldn't see them! I could hear them though and guess what the cheeky little things had done? Taken themselves off into the garden pond

Now, they are not an age I would have chosen for them to go into a pool/pond, but it seems they had other ideas! The older ducks all gathered around the pond sides, watching the babies; Halo (only 11 weeks old herself) then chose to get in with the babies, but all was well and no fighting.

When Halo and my other ducks were babies, I tried introducing them to the pond by sitting next to it with them; but, as many of you have experienced, they showed absolutely no intentions of getting in .... took them quite a while before they first ventured in! But these two newer babies ... well, they just took themselves in and wallowed in the water

I can tell these two are going to keep me on my toes

On the left is an 11 day old Khaki Campbell; on the right is a 9 day old "unknown"; quite a difference in size considering only 2 days difference in age.
No kidding! I ran into the house for about 1 1/2 minutes this morning and came back out and mine were in the Koi pond. They have their own pond but apparently the Koi pond (which is off limits to them) was more interesting! :)
You turn your back for 2 minutes... and just like little children, they use that moment to get into mischief!

So true! Just a few months ago I got 2 more ducklings and I had them in our shed in their brooder, and one day, my dad decided to let them onto the grass for a little while to forage. Well, I was gone, and he calls me and says he lost my ducklings! Apparently he'd walked back into the shed to get something really quick, walked back outside, and they were gone! By the time he called me he had been looking for them for over an hour and it was starting to get dark! Basically, I hurried home and when I started calling them, they came running to the sound of my voice.
Cutest thing ever! But it just goes to show that you really can just turn your back for 2 minutes and they're already getting in trouble!
So, so true DuckLover3!!!!

SJUDD, you need to teach them the "Do not disturb the Koi!" sign ;) Fab pic!!!!

Today was an even funnier "adventure" (apologies for lack of camera action
) We had a BBQ and the two babies kept near to my feet (where else?). When we all sat on the patio to eat, the big ducks just came for a nosey - out of curiosity, you understand; not like they are interested, just being polite

Well, the babies went crazy!!! They ran around our feet, snuffling any (and all!) scraps which fell to our feet (we're talking miniscule items!).

Feeling a little sad for the big ducks, we tossed them our corn cob leftovers: WOW!!!! Now I know where those cartoon artists got the idea for the left/right snazzle those corn cob rotation scenes

In the meantime, those two ducklings had a blast weaving in and out our feet snuffling (and arguing over!) crumbs.

So, so humbling.

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