Duckling breed pictures?

Here's a newer picture of the newly hatched ducks I had above..there now three days old and am still having trouble being for sure on the breed they are..they look a little like Ancona breed baby's and also Muscovy baby's, especially the one with black spots..any ideas
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[/IMG]I adopted an abandon duckling and I'm trying to determine his age or

Any one have any ideas because google has been no help. The first 2 photos are about a week older and the last one I took today. He's feathering out into a light tan feather if that helps if not I guess I will just wait and see what he becomes :)
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[/IMG]I adopted an abandon duckling and I'm trying to determine his age or

Any one have any ideas because google has been no help. The first 2 photos are about a week older and the last one I took today. He's feathering out into a light tan feather if that helps if not I guess I will just wait and see what he becomes :)

he looks like my buff ducks did when they were feathering out. If he stands up really tall he may be a white and fawn runner. But I think he looksike a buff to me.
[/IMG]I adopted an abandon duckling and I'm trying to determine his age or

Any one have any ideas because google has been no help. The first 2 photos are about a week older and the last one I took today. He's feathering out into a light tan feather if that helps if not I guess I will just wait and see what he becomes :)

Looks like a buff duck:) i had one last year. Very pretty! I only see two photos, looks about 4 weeks old in the feathered picture
This is Blizzard who is a Pekin As an adult she will be white, and is a large breed of duck. She arrived during a 18" snowstorm here in NH this past Friday. It is ironic that my daughter had already chosed the name a month before she arrived in bad weather! She is much bigger than her sisters and is curious about everything.

The black and yellow duckling in the front is a Black Swedish. She will eventually be black and white. Her name is Moonlight. They are warming up under the Brinsea Ecoglow brooder. We had set it high enough for the Pekin, but the little black ducklings had a harder time staying warm, so we added a 100 watt light also.

This tray works great for catching the water and poop. It is a Klean Paws Indoor Dog Potty.

This is Shadow. She is a black Cayuga and is the smallest of the group. She was a bit stressed the first day, and we thought that we would lose her. We added more heat in addition to the Brinsea brooder, and she bounced back luckily.

Here they are trying some GrowGel on the first day.

Another shot of Shadow standing on the food tray. The tray is actually a puppy training tray, but it works great for catching all of the water and excess food. It has kept the brooder really dry.

Resting. These 3 are inseparable now.

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