Duckling names?!?

I don't know if I've already posted their names but since this is growing so much I'll put them again!! I have a very charismatic khaki Campbell-Tilly
Love bug wh-blue ivy (ivy)
Bold, big, hefty (ha!) Cayuga-belle
And sweet,mild, and laid back black swede-Lucy
I might be able to get ducks for my bday in May n I'm just wondering what kind I should get
-needs to be a good egg layer
- pretty
- quiet
Are girls or boys nicer? Whatever one is than that one
- not so messy my mom will get mad
Any suggestion is appreciated thanks
I think all ducks are messy!!!! :p in my opinion, Welsh harlequins are very good for what you are looking for. Maybe a Swedish or something or other. Someone will post some more breeds. Those are just my personal favs.
I might be able to get ducks for my bday in May n I'm just wondering what kind I should get
-needs to be a good egg layer
- pretty
- quiet
Are girls or boys nicer? Whatever one is than that one
- not so messy my mom will get mad
Any suggestion is appreciated thanks
all ducks are messy but welsh harlequins like theduckgirl4110 said or maybe khaki campbells.

and with the boys or girls thing if you want eggs boy wont do you any good unless you want fertile eggs to hatch
Girls are good for you and I have a khaki Campbell and she is the loudest thing ever!! Haha! She also is the only one that flies over fences and stuff to get to the action and food. Welshies are very good. Small, good egg layers, and are very quiet and very pretty to look at. My black swede is very calm too. She is the only one that hasn't started laying though, so I can't help you with that!!

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