Duckling wheezing.


5 Years
Jul 17, 2018
My friends children are raising two ducklings till 6 weeks then giving them to me. It’s a child’s project.
They have given the ducklings four bubble baths till they were soaked and then put them under the heat lamp to dry. I was unaware that was happening. When they sent a video I was surprised they were doing that but thought well they did it once but it happened four times
Now the one duckling is wheezing. I said stop the bath’s immediately.
What do you think?
The video they sent won’t load. It’s a soft wheezing
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You can upload to utube or daily motion and link back. Are their actual bubbles in bubble baths? How old are the ducks?
Yes they put bubble in the bath unfortunately. The duck didn’t look happy either.
They are 5 weeks old
I never published on you tube but it should show at 7pm today
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You can upload to utube or daily motion and link back. Are their actual bubbles in bubble baths? How old are the ducks?
Hopefully it should premier at 7pm -I’ve never done you tube before


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ok Ill watch it at 7 if it works. Im sorry this happened I dont know what to suggest except they must not ever use soap or anything in the water again. They may still have soap resdue on them so I suggest a plain lukewarm water bath right away to get it rinsed off and then back under the heat lamp @Miss Lydia

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