Duckling white goop on belly & eyes not opening


Apr 24, 2023
First time hatching, hoping someone can help me help this duckling. Last night this duckling hatched at about 11:00 p.m. I noticed that it is weaker, doesn't seem to flail around as much as the others. Today at 3:00 p.m. I took it out and looked it over. I noticed that it doesn't seem to be opening its eyes all the way. Also, it has this hard white gunk on its underside which I think might be on its vent. The other ducklings that hatched before this one didn't have anything like this, they're moving around well and dry. I'm not sure if I should just leave it in the incubator for a while longer and let it sort itself out or if I should be wiping it down to try to remove the gunk and maybe help it open its eyes? I don't want to do anything that would harm it.


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That looks like the umbilical and remnants of the yolk. I would leave the duckling in the incubator, as well as offer some nutri-drench or other electrolyte water. If none is available, make a sugar-water solution and offer that.

I'm sure others will jump in and offer better advice, this is all I can think of right now.
That may be pasty butt which will kill them if you don't get it off. You can use a warm wash cloth and try and soften it up and remove it or the duckling can't poop.
@New duck mommy 2021 is expert at this. Wait a while and lets see if anyone else replies. Look at the bottom where it poops and let us know how that looks. Let us know if what we're seeing is umbilicus or vent.

For the eyes a soft cotton ball and warm water should help.
Thank you all for your responses. I soaked it under the tap and tried rubbing off the gunk but it would not come off. The good news is the vent isn't blocked. I could see it below the blob. Eventually I kind of managed to pick a bit off the top and it oozed white stuff. I thought maybe it was coming off but then I saw it looks like it's a pit in the belly. I don't know how else to describe it. I was worried to keep picking at it so I left it alone. You can see the vent below the blob. I've dried and put the duckling back in the incubator. I'm at a loss as to what to do.


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I just heard from my sister who's a vet and she said it's the yolk sac/umbilical and should absorb into its abdomen 😱 I freaked out a little I hurt it but she said as long as it didn't bleed it should dry up and fall off whatever isnt absorbed. I feel so bad.
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Did this baby hatch itself or did you assist
I assisted. It pipped and got its bill out then sat like that for 12 hours so I zippered for it and it pushed itself out the remainder of the egg shortly after. It was wrong end of the egg and when I opened the hole I could see its wing was above its head.

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