Duckling with deformed leg or hip. Pls help.


Jun 24, 2021
We had a mother mallard duck lay 9 eggs in our front landscaping. Two days ago they hatched and we noticed one of the ducklings was not keeping up with the others and was not walking correctly.
Needless to say it got abandoned.
here is what we know and what we have tried:
The ducks right leg is good.
The left leg crossed his body and drags behind.
not sure if it is the hip or the leg
We have tried to bandaid them together but since the leg goes across the body and back it does not help at all. It only pulls the bandaid back
The duck can swim but can not always get to a rock safely
The duck eats and seems content
The duck can BARELY walk.
it can move but if it lands on its back it is stuck.
the leg will bend but it still drags when you let it go.
The vet will not take him
And we have been told he maybe is just deformed or has a bad hip abs to put this 3 day baby duck down. But that seems harsh. So we wanted to try this first and see if any of you can help us.

Here are a few pictures.


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I have a chick with a deformed leg, while it’s still really little try strapping it into place again, I used rubber bands on my splay leg, I’m not sure how you’d do it with the crossed legs, maybe find something flexible so it can still walk but something that you can put between its legs?
@FuzzTheDuck what a precious duckling. I couldn't put one down if it has the will to live. Being wild does mean there can be problems. Have you tried to contact a waterfowl rehabber or wildlife rehabbers. They may know what to do to help the little one. A foam boot may help can this duckling use the leg at all to stand? It may have gotten injured by mama accidentally [stepped on] or it could be a birth defect.
Just know it may never be able to make it in the wild so your options are limited. Wild life rehabber or raising it and caring for it yourself.

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