Ducklings climbing on top of heat plate


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2024
My ducklings are a little over 1 week old and are now climbing on top of their heat plate. This causes it to tip at an angle, I worry it willl be close enough to the bedding to catch fire. I can’t just remove it because they still get under it a lot. Even when it 80 degrees in my room. What can I do about this? It’s as tight as it will get.
Your heat plate didn't come with a dome. I agree with @nuthatched maybe use a heat lamp. But Be very careful you don't want to over heat them especially if your room is already 80*. Maybe try raising the plate up some and tilting it. Back legs shorter than the front. If your room is at 80 they only need to be kept at 85 that's where I always start out my ducklings. Next week when 2 weeks old they can handle 80 as long as there isn't a breeze blowing over them. How many ducklings and what breed?
My ducklings start climbing on the heat plate almost from day 1! I tilt the plate so the back is a bit lower, and have it high enough that they can get under when needed/wanted, but not too low so as to burn their backs. I prefer it to a heat lamp, myself, and am considering getting another one.
I have 10 in a kiddie pool together. They are about 2 weeks old. I got one of everything except I got a male and female Cayuga. The rest are all female, black Swedish, blue Swedish, buff, saxony, welsh, silver, magpie, and kaki. In a separate brooder I have a white layer and another welsh. I replaced their heat plate with one that doesn’t tip. Will try to post a picture. I am struggling to keep their pool clean, they wet everything so fast. I tried to introduce the younger ones to the older ones and the older ones started pecking at them immediately. They are in my room. It smells a lot. I change the bedding daily. I separated the feeding area from the rest of the pool and it helped a little. We put up a vinyl fence but there are gaps underneath big enough for them to get through right now. I plan to get a plastic shed and attach it to a run with hardware cloth underneath. When can they go outside? I am in Delaware. Right now it’s not that warm but should be in a couple of weeks. I also plan to get a livestock guardian dog soon. Does anyone have a vinyl fence with ducks?

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