Ducklings in the Brahma Bin.

Oct 30, 2022
The Swamp
I am aware that Tractor Supply is known for their very often breed and gender mix-ups, and I have experienced those myself who knows how many times, although I have never seen a species mix-up in Tractor Supply before until recently.

A few days ago, I went to Tractor Supply and saw that they had the Leghorn bin, Barnevelder bin, and the Brahma bin. The first two bins were out of chicks, but I saw the light on in the Brahma Bin. I expected to see chicks in there, but no, there were two ducklings, and one was constantly jumping up and trying to get out of the brooder as if it knew it didn't belong in a chicken bin.

I caught some pictures of this experience, and I am now wondering what breed of duck these were. Could anyone here tell me?



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