Ducklings living outside?

Bridger Davis

Jul 25, 2017
Evans Colorado
Hey everyone! My ducklings are now 3.5 weeks old. Yesterday, they spend the 60-70 degree (F) day outside. They love every bit of it! My mom is really wanting them out of the house for some reason, but it is getting really cold at night.... In a few days, we're going to have rain and snow, and they're far from fully feathered.... Research that I've done says that ducklings should be fully feathered before going out with no heat (6-8 wks)... this makes sense, right?! And even if they did have their heat lamp outside, drafts and wind would still be a problem... Suggestions? thanks!!
I had my Spring Ducklings outside at a little over four weeks old. Just make sure that they have a heat source, like an infrared lamp or a heat pad, protect them from drafts and they will do fine. Just steal some of my ideas when i built the ducklings paradise for my Spring Ducklings:
If you go backwards through that album, you can see how i installed the infrared-lamp and the heat-pad in the house. Ducklings are much harder than us "humons" when it comes to cold. They just can't deal with drafts.
@Bridger Davis can you post some pics of your ducklings? I’d be real concerned to have mine out at that age unless they had a heat source and a nice safe draft free coop.

Me too =) here they are

As you can see, still mainly got down on them; not feathers.
Hey our ducklings are the same age - and congrats! I’m letting mine out during the day when it’s nice but bringing them in at night or when temps drop below 68 - although I pushed it a little today and went to 65 bc they were just so happy lol.

That's so cool!! Ya it's still getting in the 30s here and snowing soon, but they love being out during the day! We should keep in touch, with ducklings the same age!! What kind do you have? What are you feeding them?
Here’s my Ancona babies - Rosy and Posy. They are eating Mazuri starter now with peas and corn on the cob as treats. Brrrrr you’re still getting snow! I lived in CO for 4 years and I remember the snow into May and June sometimes. But I sure loved all that sunshine! :love

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