Ducklings Wing Bent After Freak Out


Jun 17, 2023
My 1 month old Blue Swedish duckling bent the bottom part of his wing outward during a sudden bout of panic. The shafts where the new feathers are coming in at the bottom are the exact part where the wing is bent. I am wondering if this is something permanent or if it can be wrapped to correct itself? There's no bleeding and the wing itself isn't broken, just the shafts out of whack. Photos attached.


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You could wrap like for angel wing and leave it for a few days to see if it helps.
Okay. When I am holding him and pat his back the wing lays flat against his body but when I put him down it flips back out. I'd call the vet but they don't give any advice over the phone and I don't wanna bring him in for something minor..... and I've already gone over my budget bringing two of my older ducks to the vet for an emergency.
Okay. When I am holding him and pat his back the wing lays flat against his body but when I put him down it flips back out. I'd call the vet but they don't give any advice over the phone and I don't wanna bring him in for something minor..... and I've already gone over my budget bringing two of my older ducks to the vet for an emergency.
Try binding as for angel wing and see how it gets on

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