Dec 17, 2019
my ducks were recently attacked by my dogs last night.

one looks like it has a broken wing and is bleeding from his nose; it is continuous and dripping. we did not notice it because there was a feather stuck to his beak and he refused to let us try and take it off. when we did, that's when we discovered the bleeding.
should we set the wing and try to stop the bleeding?

the other one isn't able to stretch out her other wing; i can't tell if it's because she is sore from running/flying away from the dogs, or if it is because she got injured. she was found lying down next to the fence; my mother and i assumed that she was playing dead in order to get away from the dogs.

they did lose their sibling, alfalfa; she was killed. will this make the other two ducks depressed? if it will, will they get over her death?

i will tag pictures as soon as i can keep the drake still.
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thank you all for your replies! my ducks are perfectly fine now. we got rid of our 2 dogs who did it, since they were still fairly young. he is okay now & we even bought him 3 more ducks so then he has a flock! 💖 they all get along greatly.

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