Ducks attacking wild birds?

I have a drake and two ducks free ranging in my garden. They’ve never been too keen on wild birds, but seem to be getting very aggressive. Last week one of my ducks was quacking hysterically at some pigeons sat on our roof, and another day she was upset and I found a dead sparrow fledgling on the lawn. It looked like it had been chewed! Today I saw my drake chase off a pigeon and this afternoon found a load of grey feathers on the lawn, looks like he caught it. Would a drake attack and kill a wild bird? Hopefully they will learn to stay out of our garden, but I am a little concerned with bird flu still on the go.
Yes they will. My blue Swede is nice doesn't like to be touched grabbed at. But goes after everything in the yard swamp same with my Rouen hen. It's their area I'd be cautious . Just trying to help.

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