Ducks love rabbit P..p!!


12 Years
Mar 3, 2007
4 hours from Sydney Australia
Hi all,
I wasnt sure how to word this in a ladylike manner, but My little Ducks love my bunnies.
They spend alot of their time just sitting next to the bunnies on the grass and I have just realised why.
They wait for the bunnies to toilet then they munch on them like little pellets.
The ducks even get really impatient and stick their beaks underneath the bunnies tails for a sniff!!!

This sure saves me having to clean up once a week, these little ducks are great vaccuum cleaners!!!
sorry about poor quality pic, i took it with my cell phone camera!!!
I wonder what nutritional value the bunny "pellets" would hold? the buns eat lucerne pellets and grass!!!
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I can make this even better: if my mum's little dog comes to visit, he likes to eat the duck poop!!!!Now thats really good eco stuff!!! I guess the flies and worms eat the dog poop, end of line!
The more I think about this behaviour, the more excited I get, I have invented a new no cost duck food!!!
They are spoilt and get lots of variations in their treats but the bunnies are their favourites!!

Hey scrambled:
Well, thats a good reason to not kiss our pet's on the lips!!!
I get mine between the ears!!! my horse used to cop a raspberry on her muzzle, just behind her nostril, she loved it. I dont like watching people on tv kissing their animals on their smackers, eeeewwww!
Bunnies eat their own pooh because there is nutritional value. DH and I learned this at a wildlife presentation. Apparantly bunny poop is green the first time through. Eventually they start pooping brown, and those they won't eat.
"I dont like watching people on tv kissing their animals on their smackers, eeeewwww!"

Remember that commercial about the big dog drinking out of the toilet and then slobbering all over the woman's face?!! Dog, chickens, rabbits,goats, husband, geez, not much into the face licking thing-- you just never know where that slobber was before it was shared with you!!

There is a family we race stock cars with that breeds those pygmy goats. Her name is Tammi Coxe and her farm is Dingleberry Farms -- she is the local expert on little goats, shows them and breeds them. She brings one to the track sometimes and it walks on a harness and leash like a little dog, verrrrryyyy sweet and loving little goat. It is housebroken too, believe it or not!
i have the sweetest, most refined chihuahuas. the kind who wear sweaters and sit in my arms without a peep and are allowed in stores because they are just so cute. what do they do the first chance they get near rabbit poop when we go for a walk at the river? DINNER TIME.

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