Ducks on a Bicycle in Chicago! My ducks celebrate their 4th birthday!


Enslaved by Indoor Ducks
11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
My ducks often enjoy going out and about the city of Chicago to meet new people. To help take them places farther than my front door, I've created a special crate for my bike for them! My two duckies Victor and Ming Mei recently turned 4 years old, and as a b-day present, I made them a special ducky-safe bike crate so we can enjoy rides together! I'm sure you can imagine the looks and questions we get riding around the city and along the lake!

Here is the crate on the bike- (along with my other half posing lol)

here is Ming Mei inside the crate:

What other people see when I'm riding- Ducks on a bike!

Once we got to Lake Michigan (which is about a 5 minute ride from our house), we got out to walk around a bit-

Ming Mei giving me a hug at the lake!

My other half, Alex, with the ducks chilling by the lake (this was a quiet moment between being bombarded by people asking about the ducks!)

The ducks also came with us to my Bike Shop to show off our crate-

At the harbor- letting Victor "ride" the bike-

Ming Mei Posing on a bike :)

They have a blast riding around comfortably on the back of my bike! They are very social and are quite hams when it comes to posing for people and saying hello to random people!

After our ride, they got a nice ducky-safe birthday cake and of course, I made them some new fun harnesses! they also went to the pet store for goldfish and a new toy!
Good to see you all!

Thanks guys! I made it from a milk crate from a craft store, then I built the top out of smaller lumber. I stapled on some screening and built a little door. It took me two nights to make. It cost me maybe $40 to make all said and done, and it just bungee cords to the rack on my bike. What is also nice is, if it starts raining (and it has) the screen mostly keeps them from getting soaked... Which is good for my duckies since they are spoiled!
Thanks guys! I made it from a milk crate from a craft store, then I built the top out of smaller lumber. I stapled on some screening and built a little door. It took me two nights to make. It cost me maybe $40 to make all said and done, and it just bungee cords to the rack on my bike. What is also nice is, if it starts raining (and it has) the screen mostly keeps them from getting soaked... Which is good for my duckies since they are spoiled!
sigh. If you could bottle a little of that creativity and send it my way, it would be much appreciated.

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