ducks trying to mount/ride chickens?

Girl ducks will mount others too or "goose" them with the bills. I swear my Hamburg pullet's tail is offset from being goosed by a duck! Or she just has a tail that sets to the right.

The boys can do some serious damage to hens, but the girls will also snake their heads after them and get "mean". My chickens do not get involved in duck politics when they're all loose together. They learned, well before the drakes got any ideas.

Another reason I have them split up in their own houses though.
So Ducks can hurt chickens? I have 3 chickens(hens) and 3 ducks (2 drakes, 1 hen) together, but I haven't notcied anything. The ducks are actually scared of the chickens..XD
yes they can total different anatomy, just keep an eye on things especially since you have 2 drakes, because they can even overmate your duck and hurt her too.
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