Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Today I was at the local dairy farm/cow boarding place and there was a lady there "educating" her 4 children about the chickens running around.

She pointed to the rooster and said:

see, that is the rooster, they live for exactly 1 year after becoming a rooster.Then the highest ranking hen will become a rooster. That repeats until there is one hen left, she will not become a rooster and she will not lay eggs anymore because there is no rooster.


Lol, I had no idea you could combine clown fish, chickens and myths.
I...what. Please tell me she was joking?
wow,where did she get that info?? I pray someone teaches those kids proper. she in for a surprise if she gets chicks.
Today I was at the local dairy farm/cow boarding place and there was a lady there "educating" her 4 children about the chickens running around.

She pointed to the rooster and said:

see, that is the rooster, they live for exactly 1 year after becoming a rooster.Then the highest ranking hen will become a rooster. That repeats until there is one hen left, she will not become a rooster and she will not lay eggs anymore because there is no rooster.


Lol, I had no idea you could combine clown fish, chickens and myths.

Oh dear Lord *face Palm*
The poor things! What happened to those kittens? And also, I don't know about you, but where I live, it's a federal offense (I think. I'm not an expert on law.) to put things in peoples mailboxes, let alone a living breathing animal! What if you didn't check your mail? What if you were on vacation and couldn't check your mail? Those poor kittens.

well it was a few years ago their where 10 kittens and they where in bad shape to begin with (1 died the day after they got to us) they where a pure breed something because the lady that dumped them on me helped run our local kitten mill (until i yelled at her mom one to many times and they moved). They lived until they where about 4 weeks old but then they started dropping dead one after another 9 kittens in total died in one week to a rare heart valve disorder we lost 3 in one hour on the same day needless to say i had a crash course in feline CPR that day. I would have put them down if they had told me the reason why they wanted to get rid of them is because two cull cats both with the same heart problems got into each other pens and had two litters of kittens.

If i ever have to watch the life leave a bunch of baby's in my arms ever again i have to say i will be seriously thinking about suicide. Anyway a week or so after they left my dogs sounded the alarm and i ran out back to check on them to find they had cornered what i thought at first was a log
. Until it started mewing i moved the log and a dirty rat i thought at the time came running up my leg from their old backyard. It turns out it was a 3 week old pure breed long haired solid white kitten (my mom swears he is a main coon but idk) i had just finished doing necropsy's (since i couldn't find a vet to do them) and digging graves so i was going to take it straight to a shelter but i had to go to work so i took it inside and put it in a carrier. When i got home my mom had washed him (to which he grew to the size of a softball of fuzzy cuteness) she put a cute collar on him and given him the name Mr. Poof 6 years later he is known as my "little man" he loves sunbathing is crazy about cheese and hates dirty litter boxes.
he is going to be 7 in October
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