During integration, should hens be allowed in one anothers space?

My Very First 6 Chickens

*~* Livin', Lovin', Learnin' *~*
May 5, 2021
Hello! Quick question. 3 hens i have added to my flock of 5. New 3 hens have their own space in a temporary enclosure outside. During the day, all hens free range. I open both coops and the new 3 stay away and its fine. Heres my question: should i prevent my original flock of 5 from entering the new girls digs even if new gals are out free ranging? In 4 days it will be 3 weeks since I received them. My original hens get real possessive of their nests but for the most part, leave new girls alone. My goal is to have all hens in one roost house at night. Also, is it ok for new gals to wander into the main flocks run when they are out free ranging? Thank you, i hope this makes sense. 🐓❤️
What I would do is make them switch places. Put the new birds in the coop you want everyone to be in. The old girls where you have the new ones just for a couple of days.

Even if they can see it, it is not the same as being there. Letting the new ones in the coop, to explore and check it out without being chased and harassed for their lives helps quite a bit. It gives them some confidence and some territorial rights.

Then on the third or 4 day, I would pick one or two middle birds of the older girls and have them and the new girls in the coup/run that you want. Number wise, that will give a slight advantage to the new birds. Again, wait a couple of days until the bluster has settled down. Then let everyone out, and lock up the temporary shelter and you should have everyone in the coop you want come dark.

Mrs K
What I would do is make them switch places. Put the new birds in the coop you want everyone to be in. The old girls where you have the new ones just for a couple of days.

Even if they can see it, it is not the same as being there. Letting the new ones in the coop, to explore and check it out without being chased and harassed for their lives helps quite a bit. It gives them some confidence and some territorial rights.

Then on the third or 4 day, I would pick one or two middle birds of the older girls and have them and the new girls in the coup/run that you want. Number wise, that will give a slight advantage to the new birds. Again, wait a couple of days until the bluster has settled down. Then let everyone out, and lock up the temporary shelter and you should have everyone in the coop you want come dark.

Mrs K
I value your input Mrs K. One of the 3 i received is partially blind so i have my work cut out for me! 🐓❤️
Do what I suggested especially for the blind bird. She needs to develop a territorial set up without being chased.

I think you are thinking of culling her, based on another post. If so, do it. Don't ever take a bird you feel sorry for, they cause a lot of strife...says the woman with a 6 week old chick developing a cross beak and is already smaller than she should be. She is not growing. I just need to do it. Then I won't have to look at her and worry about doing it. It is better than starving to death, or in your case, being bullied and attacked. Chickens are not nice, and they won't be nice to her.

Mrs K

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