Dust Bath vs Dirt Bath

I just put my little ones out in their run for the first time .. the atached coop is not done but I placed a plywood board in its place to fill the gaping hole.. I let the babies play in their new coop today for about 4 hours or so.. but the very first thing they all did was a dust bath.. It was so funny watching them.. they were rolling around in the dirt- florida is sandy dirt.. but they totally reminded me of a dog that just gets bathed and runs out and rolls.. yup I had never seen a chicken roll before..
Thanks for the information, the chicks are enjoying the run, but they are not sure about the coop yet, the coop is above part of the run and they are only going 1/2 way up the ramp and then flying down. It has cooled down around here so I have their heat lamp on and inviting. Sunset is in 1/2 hour so we will see.
Oh my girls would love your dirt! We are in a valley that was once a riverbed...red clay and rocks! I have to go out get the clay, break it up and powder it with something else to give them something to bathe in.
I have been searching for the answer to this question:

WHY do chickens have dust baths?

Is it just because it feels nice? Or are they cleaning themselves?

My 6 week old girls had a blast outside rolling around in the dirt. The White Leghorns are dark grey now and everyone is filthy. But they had such a great time.
They do it because it feels good for them AND because it helps keep down the lice/mite population.

It almost NEVER rains here, so my chicken run is usually dry sand, perfect for dust bathing. But after a particularly hard rain one day I looked out in the pen and my silly hens were having a mud bath in their usually dry dusting spot.
THAT was hilarious!
Aquarius ( cock) and Bella (hen) love having a dirt bath together.
Our soil is relatively loose but Aqua does all the work, digging a little 'nest' and then he and Bella sit in it together
rolling around. It looks so cute. The other hens also love just sitting down in the dirt.
It is certainly a curious thing to watch - especially if you're unfamiliar with the concept of "dustbathing".

My girls will kick dirt up two feet in the air, then get up and shake and this cloud of dust will come out. They remind me of Pigpen. lol
Diatomaceous earth is good for keeping lice/mites under control, so I hear.
I've seen ratios for DE, play sand, & wood ash but I don't remember what they were-anybody know??
They may not give up their nice "black earth bath" now, though.
My chicks are 4 wks old & love to bathe in the pine bedding! My DH thought they were having seizures. Silly man!

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