Dust baths


In the Brooder
May 5, 2024
When do chicks start dusting? Do they have to be taught? My babies are 2 1/2 months old. All they do is try to eat it?! I have a mix of wood ash, commercial chicken dust powder and dirt.
When do pullets lay their first egg? When they are ready. Where do they lay their first egg? Where they want to, not necessarily where we want them to.

When do brooder-raised chicks start to roost up off of the ground. When they are ready. Where do they sleep when they start to roost? Where they want to, not necessarily where we want them to.

When do chickens start to take dust baths? When they are ready. Where do they take their first dust bath? Where they want to, not necessarily where we want them to.

Welcome to your adventure with chickens.
When do pullets lay their first egg? When they are ready. Where do they lay their first egg? Where they want to, not necessarily where we want them to.

When do brooder-raised chicks start to roost up off of the ground. When they are ready. Where do they sleep when they start to roost? Where they want to, not necessarily where we want them to.

When do chickens start to take dust baths? When they are ready. Where do they take their first dust bath? Where they want to, not necessarily where we want them to.

Welcome to your adventure with chickens.
This should be stickied under the BYC Banner!! 🤣

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