Dust baths?

Country Grits

7 Years
Mar 19, 2012
How old do my babies need to be before I give them a dusting area?? We have just moved them to their "Big Hause" and will be letting them into their outdoor run, and free ranging as soon as the area is ready... they are 4 weeks now......
Thanks Much!!
Country Grits
Mine are six weeks old - have been in the big house a little over a week. I busted them dust bathing in he brooder - peat moss (I will never recommend PM cause it is messy) several weeks ago. Just this past week they were dust bathing in the wood shavings in the coop - so I figured they were really ready. I took a big terra cotta saucer and filled it with sand from our sand box and DE and set it in the coop. Oh my what a show. I'm gonna say, based on my experience you would be okay to add one now.
Thank you.. I have seen mine do the same,, and that was my same thought... to use a saucer... although mine may think it is their treat dish at first.. Ha... Have you ever used wood ash??
I haven't used it (yet) but ive heard it's okay and I've got plenty so it's in my plans to use once the run is done. :D

Yes, mine have used it as treats, too. But hey, they need the grit and since it came from the sand box it probably has some good treats buried within. I do feel bad, though when the bathers are getting stomped by the treat seekers. :lol:
Mine are six weeks old - have been in the big house a little over a week. I busted them dust bathing in he brooder - peat moss (I will never recommend PM cause it is messy) several weeks ago. Just this past week they were dust bathing in the wood shavings in the coop - so I figured they were really ready. I took a big terra cotta saucer and filled it with sand from our sand box and DE and set it in the coop. Oh my what a show. I'm gonna say, based on my experience you would be okay to add one now.

What is DE? Thanks.
Heck they can dust bath at one week. Put a plastic tray in with regular dirt, wood shavings and some wood ash with some charcoal in it. Left it in for only an hour the first time. They picked at it a little then got down to business. When I took it out the white rocks where a gray-brown.

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