dying chick too cold


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 11, 2009
Newbury Park, CA
I bought two chicks yesterday and they are in my house in a box with a lamp. I only had a 60 watt bulb but they seemed fine . They chirped all night and didn't sleep. I just got up and one was cold and almost listless and dead. I went to the store and put in a 95 watt bulb and a shallower box. Now they are sort of hunched over and not chirping.So at least standing now. Are they sleeping or are both dying? I don't know how they sleep. They are 4 days old. They are warm to the touch.
Baby chicks need to be kept at a temp. of a 100 degrees the first week and 5 degrees cooler every week after that. Your chicks sound cold and stressed. Make sure the temp is right and if not fix it and soak some of there kibbles is hot water and add a little yogout or hard boiled egg to build up their strength.
Better now. not peeping they are eating and drinking on their own.
That is good news! Glad they are doing better.

You need to watch for pasty butt now. It's a common condition when chicks get chilled. If their vents get pasted over, you need to be sure to remove the poo or they will die.
I know now too have a better light and that peeping means they are cold. Already checked the pasty butt and cleaned that off right away! I didn't know it had to do with being cold. Thanks for the tips. Right now they are both asleep. I guess that is normal. I have never had them this young. They seem fine. I hope they are still okay in the morning!
Also, make sure to only put the lamp at one end of the box so they can get out from under it if they get too hot. They can die from being too hot as well as too cold. 100 was a little too hot for my chicks, they would stay far away from the light, they seemed to prefer 90-95. You can tell if they're hot or cold by their behavior, if they constantly huddle together while standing up, right under the light, they're cold, and if they always stay far away from the light or if they pant, they're hot. And be sure to follow chicks4kids' and chickenvirgin's advice about reducing the temperature as they age. The easiest way to adjust temperature is to raise or lower the light. I always keep a thermometer or two in their box to monitor temps.

A regular light bulb for heat is fine, but a red bulb may help them sleep better at night. Just get the same wattage you're using now, but a red bulb. You can get the red bulbs at pet stores in the reptile section. Yes, chicks at this age do sleep a lot. As long as they're running around active, eating, drinking and pooping normal when they're awake, they are ok.

Good luck with your new babies and post PICS!
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