
Chicken crazy
6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
With chickens somewhere.......
A couple days ago I saw our duck Sunny not using her left foot very much and acting like it hurt I looked at it and saw what looked like bumble foot but I wasn't sure so I put her back hoping it would go away. I look at it again yesterday and saw it had gotten worse so I started cleaning it and I'm deciding If I should just go for it and do the bumble foot surgery. The only stuff we have to treat her with as far as medication goes is hydrogen peroxide (which I have been cleaning it with) and some animal safe triple antibiotic. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Here's her foot.
Looks to me like you should operate but I've only done it 4 times. You need a really sharp scalpel. I rinse it with cold water and maybe a little peroxide, a rinse then a dust of cayenne powder to help keep it sterile, let her rest a day, then do foot soaks once or twice a day. I use Redmond Real Salt or Epsom salt works great too. I have also experimented with neosporin and fresh crushed garlic- just for a small amount of time though, I think it burns, but had success with all of them. If you catch it earlier sometimes herb and salt bath have taken care of it for me. Usually in five days they have healed up pretty quick with the surgury. Most of the time if I cut deep enough( but be careful you aren't cutting tendons) I can just squeeze and it pops out a large chunk, (one time it flew into my face ewe!) but sometimes theres a bit of chunky junk left in there to work out too. Hope this helps.
Thanks for all of the info. We are going to try to do the surgery tomorrow. It will b e interesting to try the surgery on a duck. I will post a update after the surgery is done so you know how it went.
OK, we just finish with bumble foot surgery. We tried to remove all of the gunk but there was only a small amount from what we could tell. Here are some pics from during the surgery.

After we got the cork out:
Looks like you got the staph infection out, great job!
I always squeeze the heck out of the swollen footpad to ensure all the infection is removed. You can resoak it in warm epsom salts water to help draw out any remaining infection, then squeeze the heck out of it again. Then pack the hole with neosporin, gauze over the hole and wrap it up. Easy peasy!
I did try to really squeeze it but it didn't really have anything come out. I got what I could see out but I think it was early enough that it only had a little in it. It's a lot harder trying to do it on a duck and it's especially hard too wrap a duck foot.

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