Easter Day or recent egg setting Hatch a long?!


9 Years
Jan 11, 2013
North Eastern, Ky
I'm setting 8 eggs today, waiting on my incubator to stabalize and in the eggs will go. We were given two dozen eggs, when I cracked one and realized they were fertile I decided to try to incubate a few of them. They are just a random bunch of mixed eggs, looks like the hens and roos were pure rir, buff orpingtons, white leghorn, red sex link, possible barred rock etc,.. I had a not so great incubation experience and would like to try again using what I have learned through my first one. I have 14 chicks in the brooder (9Heritage Rhode Island Reds * 5 silkies) who are 2-4days old and doing well.

If anyone would like to join then would love to have you! Time goes by just a little faster when you are involved in a hatch a long.

Here is what I will be setting today:

Well incubator is ready, Eggs were set at 12pm today
Wish me luck!

I hope there is some others that will join

Hope everyone is Having a Happy Easter!

i set 6 white orpingtons in my new incubator today and then i will set my other hatching eggs when they arrive, good luck luck and happy easter!!!
i set 6 white orpingtons in my new incubator today and then i will set my other hatching eggs when they arrive, good luck luck and happy easter!!! :)
I just set 28 Americunas eggs at 11 am today.
Good luck to all. [COLOR=0000FF]Happy Easter to everyone [/COLOR]
Great! glad you guys joined in :) White orpingtons are beautiful and I hope to get some Ameracaunas, I so want to have a pretty egg basket one day!
I have always wanted to have my basket of colorful eggs. Now that I can have by chicks at our new home, My wish is coming true. 

That's great!!

Just starting out I am scared how many is a good number to start with?

As many as you can keep in the end, if you can't house and feed more than 5 chickens then its best not to get many more eggs unless you know you can sell or give them away. I can house 10-15 and have 14 in the brooder but I know some will be Roos and then have another 8 in the bator and will probably wait until I can see what I'm keeping before I go beyond that. I also have a local market in my area for chickens, not as in an actual market I just mean many people are interested in purchasing chickens in my area. Those are just some things to think about, if you are totally new to chickens just start small and don't get in over your head.
I set 7 eggs on march 29th in my brinsea octagon 20 Eco. I had 4 clears at day 7. They are silver Amerucanas. Then set 10 under a broody hen on April 6th. They are EEs. I'm not gonna candle those as she's pretty broody and will attack you if you go near her nest. Lol.

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