Easter Egger club!

I need to post a picture of my three month old Cochin bantam/EE silkie/EE mixes that my Cochin bantam hatched out. They are all males except for one EE.
I have a Easter Egger named Hawk. Her other name is Goose because when she clucks she sounds just like a goose. She is the second chicken in the picture.
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her name is petunia
we dont know the age
we gues5s about 4 to 6 weeks
sorry for any mistakes she is on the keybora im typing on right now
i take her of and she just jumps right on
Sadly the one that was struggling didn't make it :( So I'm down to 4 baby girls now. But they are doing awesome. Yesterday they were a bit stressed out and one of them started pecking at the littlest girls eyes. Today her eyes having been getting all glued shut. I've had to keep cleaning them. Otherwise she couldn't find her way to the food and water. But she seems to be doing a little better. If it's still doing that tomorrow I'll call the vet.

I'm sorry to hear about the little one. And the stress of the others. :( I have been having trouble with my two older EEs being a little mean to my new baby Buttercups. I started locking up the Buttercups during the day away from the free ranging EEs and now that they're a little bigger they are standing up for themselves. I know your situation is different but maybe you could try to separate them??

Best of luck with the new babies. :)

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