Easter egger not laying eggs


Feb 14, 2022
California, San Diego
Hi everyone just wanted to know why a hen may be just sitting in her nest box but not laying a egg. I have a easter egger who has been perfectly healthy ever since I got her she is a year and a half. She hasn't been laying eggs at all and has just been sticking to her nest box and has not laid any eggs. Her poop looks healthy, she behaves the same and eats properly. having a full crop at night and empty in the morning. However, I do have two other hens with her and my golden laced had been consistent with her eggs and my silkie has only laid one egg this week. Not as consistent as she use to be. Could this be because fall is coming up so she hasn't laid. I don't think she is broody because she comes down from the nesting box at times to eat and hangout with the other chickens but then soon after goes back up. And i don't know how many feathers should be laying around the coop for her to be considered molting. I also don't know if this can be a reproductive issue. I also want to add that I did change there bedding to sand incase that has caused her to stay at the top.
Brodie’s do get off the nest several times a day to eat drink and dust bathe so she could definitely still be broody! Or even just thinking about it. She could also be molting. I wouldn’t worry about it if she’s acting healthy. Though you might want to break her from being broody
Okay thank you so much! I never knew that they can randomly become broodie @thedawhow can I break her out of her being broodie
No problem! And do you have a dog crate or something similar? You want a wire bottom cage lifted up off the ground so air flows under her so she can’t keep her “eggs” warm. Keep her in there for a few days. With food and water of course. Another option is to just keep picking her up off the nest and put on the roost every night if she’s staying on the nest overnight?
Is this normal @TheDawg

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