Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I've got a gender question for y'all. This is the chick that we hatched out under our first ever broody. When it was hatched I feather sexed it (for the heck of it) and got that it was a girl. I know it's an EE because it hatched out of one of the green EE eggs. It honestly looks more like the RIRs we have than the EEs. It has bright yellow legs and what I think is a single comb. or an odd combo comb that is part single and part pea. It is 13 weeks old now. Here are a couple pictures.

Here is a comb picture for you. I swear the comb seems more single than anything else.

Here is a back shot.
I can get some better shots if I need to. These shots were taken last week so the chick would have been 12weeks old then. What do y'all think? Cockeral or pullet? By 13 weeks would I be seeing saddle feathers if it is a boy? I need to look closer at it and see what I can figure out. If it is a boy it has to go since we have all the boys we need right now.
I can't tell by the pics they are too small and it will not make them bigger. You can't feather sex birds UNLESS they have been breed to be feather sexed. I can't remember the combo, but something like the roo has to be a SLOW feathered and the female a reg featherer. Unless you know the roo is slow feathering and the hen not you can't feather sex them.

It looks like a roo to me from the little bit of comb I can see.
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Thank you to those who have given their opinion on gender. I'm going to try to get ahold of the chick so I can try to get some better pictures hopefully tomorrow. I'll be able to look for saddle and hackle feathers then too as well as see if there is any wattle development going on. I'm hoping it's just an odd EE that has strong colors from their background. This breeding would have been siblings I think or at least the same father on the chicks. We were told when we got our original chicks that the daddy was a big red rooster, which leads me to think likely a RIR. Those original chicks are the parents of this chick. I'll try to get some better pictures for y'all. I'd like to figure this out pretty soon, I doubt the current roosters would tolerate another rooster in the bunch.
I finally got my chicks outdoors and in a coop! All the pictures I tried to take indoors were terrible. These are the 3 EE's I could get to stand still long enough to take pictures. I'll try to get pics of the other two later today. All are 9 weeks old as of Sept 1. These three also had the chipmunk pattern as chicks, if that means anything.

Honey Badger - Has a small comb that's kind of cross between single & pea. Can try to get a better pic after work. No reddish colors, but does 'rule' the roost so far. Largest of my EE's.

Unnamed 1: This one has a darker body and a predominately single comb.

Sam the Eagle: Another hybrid looking comb. Has nubs on either side of middle.

And one of the EE's I don't have pictured is pure white, pea combed, and green legged. Not sure if you can sex based on that description. I remember reading something about black and white or white being easy to sex, but don't remember.

I'm hoping for all pullets since I ordered sexed chicks from McMurray, but I know they do say they are 90% accurate. What do ya'll think? Or is it too early to tell?
These are all pullets, and I'm guessing your white is also a pullet, but pictures would confirm that statement.............. I got a beautiful white pullet his year, with just a little speckling, her name is pepper, cuz she looks like someone sprinkled pepper over her head and back, otherwise she is white, with grayish under feathers. she is also my sweetest new baby, her sister Molly is super flighty....silly thing
Here's the all white one. Hoping the pullet streak continues, but if not I'm still keeping this one. Its my most inquisitive chick and is the first to greet me, but runs off whenever I try to touch it. (The photo-bomber in the second pic is a Delaware.)

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