Eastern Panhandle WV (MD, VA, PA) Chickenstock -July10th Gower's Feed

**Peachick- that splash pullet is to die for! Her color is great love it! Ronnie loved his hens too. He loved the Black coloring when the light hit it you would have thought it was X-mas morning. Loved the color and lacing on the blue one too. I almost kept that one myself! possible roo or not!**

thanks so much glad he was so happy with them.

I had a blast. generally had 3 or more conversations going at once... it was crazy! I hope I got to help everyone that was there... sometimes I was pulled in so many directions I didnt know who was waiting on me next.

Anyway, the timing of this was great. my hens have all about stopped laying. whew I'll incubate what I get and will plan on hatching for the next one.
Erin that September date is probably fine... or the first weekend in Oct.
Yes, I know that $20 tip I gave you for all your hard work wasnt enough.... I think everyone there should have tipped you
) We REALLY appreciate you for doing this!!

Kat, I was joking... that totally wasn't necessary **as I put it in my pocket w/ a big grin**
hahahahahahah It was so nice to catch up with everyone. I think my favorite part was at the end when you and I and SC and a couple others were just standing there chatting chicken and I was giving you the low down on AI
and we were all having some yucks... so fun. Im glad we squeezed in this summerstock... definitely do that again!
Thanks to everyone who bought chickens, eggs and diapers from me. I really enjoyed the ChickenStock and am looking forward to the next one. Thank you Erin and the other organizers and Gower's Feed. The 2 little white silkies chicks I got are being spoiled. It was a long trip and very hot on the way back down I-81 but all the birds I brought did fine and 3 layed their eggs on the trip.
incubator ? how good is this one? Top Hatch Incubator , also what do yall use to hatch so many chicks? im in the market for one


Just had to share with ya'll I got my first egg from my up and coming flock ! Also my first ever Olive green egg. They are sooo cool! The Hen is my 1/2 Aruacana-1/2 cuckoo to be breed with cuckoos . She is a blue cuckoo herself! So by time I get back from Vac on Aug 8th I can start collecting to hatch for the sept. sale! The others are her age or 3-6 wks behind her. SO looks like I need the new bigger bator soon! YEAH.........................
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That was my first chickenstock, I just wish they were bigger!! I am thrilled with my new Amereaucanas and especially with my new Maran, she has quite a character. I am still figuring out who is who here, I think Peachick sold them to us. They are settled in and doing well, and now I just have to WAIT for them to grow up!! Also waiting for my husband to install the new nestbox. -P
This is a great place to chat chicken with folks who are just as interested as you are. Careful now.. it IS addicting.. .but, I guess you could be addicted to worse things

Im Erin. I was set up under the tan canopy with my husband, Rusty and two littluns runnin around. We had a cart coop and banty cochin and rosecombs and various other fowl. I think it will get bigger... as we get the word out and find new folks.. or as they find us. I cannot tell you how many people email me the day before just so thrilled and even shocked to find a poultry event in their backyard. I should've had everyone sign a guestbook with their email
I meant to do it but, just got bombarded and forgot. That's a great way to keep the folks we had.. Oh well. I mentioned to everyone I talked to about fallstock so, hopefully, they will be on the lookout.

SC, you should build you own bator. We built one from Missprissy's bator cooler bator instructions out of a styrofoam ice chest that TSC received it medications in. It holds a 100 or so eggs but, I do hand turn them. I have found a quick roll of all at once not really caring about x's and o's works.. I do that everytime I go in the laundry room/incubator room.. just reach my hand in and roll'em all around. They are easy to build and cost about $25! The most expensive part is the wafer thermostat which works like a champ!
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Soaring chick, thanks for the Maran info. I am not unhappy at all. Quite the opposite. I am very pleased. Now I will more pleased when dh gets my new chicken house and pen built for these two. But I"m not going to push him, I want my new pigpen built first and that's being worked on.

I hope to read up on Maran's this winter when I have more time. But now, with working, the garden, farming and going to Farmer's markets, time it rather slim. So any info y'all put on here is great.

Thanks for having the Chickenstock and I really hope to be there this fall. By then I should have more time to stay and visit.

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