Eating a sick chicken...What's your take on this?


Kozy Orchard Farms
10 Years
Sep 24, 2010
I was wondering what you guys thought about butchering and eating a chicken that is sick and openly showing symptoms at the time of butcher.

I have a girl who has asked what to do with her chickens that are displaying what we believe to be coccidiosis symptoms and some people are telling her to butcher and eat them to save her the trouble and expense of treating them. I will add that her birds are cornish cross and intended for eating in the future, so I can see where this solution would make sense to some degree.

Would you butcher a bird that you knew was sick and eat it? Do you feel this is a safe thing to do? Would knowing the disease effect your decision? Do you feel that treating a bird intended for slaughter is a good solution?

Hopefully I didn't open a can of worms, but I'm curious what you guys think about this.

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