eating all the eggs!!!


10 Years
May 11, 2009
Small town, Ohio
Our chickens have been going on an egg eating frenzie!!! nothing has changed in their diet, they have plenty of food and water, and we have NEVER had this problem before. the laying box is a milk crate on the ground, but this is were it has always been and like i said they have never messed with the eggs before. I just don't know what would cause this and why all of a sudden what they have been eating they don't want to touch, or they just scatter all over the ground. Any ideas??? we are moving the laying box up, but i just don't understand what would cause this.
First of all, do I understand you to say they have stopped eating their layer pellets? If this is so, I find that very alarming. I would guess that you might have a bad bag of feed?? Isn't a cornish X, a meatie? I have never had them, but I thought they would eat anything, anytime? Can you separate birds one at a time, and see if you can tell who is the guilty party? I am most concerned that they are not eating their feed- Good luck!
we have never given our girls layer pellets. they have always had cracked corn, oyster shells, and some meat table scraps. They have been laying with this mixture for over a yr so i don't understand the sudden onset. we have also had a major drop in eggs, by more than half. yes i know they are eating them, but that is only out of one box and they have always laid in all the boxes we have. The cornish X r still eating we only have a few of them left that became more of pets than anything and they are still eating fine,
I have been reading posts on this site for years- and it is my understanding that you have to feed layer pellets. When pullets are young, I think they pretty much lay, no matter what, but as they get older they are going to need those layer pellets. Why not buy a bag and see if your situation changes? At the very least, it would be an interesting 10.00 experiment...Good luck!
the problem is that you are not feeding enough protein or balanced diet and they have exhausted their body stores. Cracked corn and meat scraps are just not enough and they are very clearly telling you so. layer is a balanced feed for laying hens, it's what you need.
Switch to turkey feed; it has more protein. Then do something about that nest issued. The ideal nest is comfortable for the hen, but does not have enough room for them to move about and eat the eggs. Google the roll away nest. This is set up so that the egg rolls back away from the hen where it is not reachable from the nest.

Make sure you are giving your chickens enough greens. Cut weeds and grass to throw into the chicken yard.

Good luck,

The other thing is if they are eating eggs now then they will always eat eggs if given the chance..
What you could do is make some nest boxes that have sides, back and top then hang a old cloth in front of the door way to the nest box so that it is dark in there.. 9 chances out of 10 the hen will lay a egg then get out with out trying to eat it..

But you all so have to get them on a good feed like a game bird feed, layer or even a grower feed.


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