Eating the eggs

Scratching all the nest box material, eggs and golf balls out of the nest area tell me that they dont have enough space.
Tell or show is your coop and run.
Ah OK the coop I got is quite big for 2 birds looks big enough and they got a run.
I given them dried worms for extra calcium they actually kick it out from the nest box lol it's usually at the bottom of there ladder from the coop, I v tryed a golf ball they kicked that out to, I will try a egg, thanks.
You need something higher in calcium. Oyster shell, limestone, you can crush their own egg shells and feed it back in addition to above (but you likely don't have any).

It sounds like you don't have a lip (a piece of wood screwed across the front) on the nest box, or too low of a lip. Mine is fairly low but it's still about 2-3" tall. I also pad my nests with empty feed bags (see middle box below) folded to snugly fit inside the box, so even if they kick out the nest material the box still has a soft padded bottom.

You need something higher in calcium. Oyster shell, limestone, you can crush their own egg shells and feed it back in addition to above (but you likely don't have any).

It sounds like you don't have a lip (a piece of wood screwed across the front) on the nest box, or too low of a lip. Mine is fairly low but it's still about 2-3" tall. I also pad my nests with empty feed bags (see middle box below) folded to snugly fit inside the box, so even if they kick out the nest material the box still has a soft padded bottom.

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Thank you I will try a piece of wood I order some other feed to x
If there is no lip on the nests the eggs could be getting kicked out while they are in there to lay and accidentally breaking on their way down.

Most chickens will jump on the chance to clean up a broken egg.
They may not be deliberately breaking them but they WILL clean up any that get broken.

And another possible reason for broken eggs........skunks in your coop. I know this from experience.

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