Edamame (soybeans in the pod) OK for chickens to eat?

Soybeans have some compounds called "anti-nutrients" that interfere with digestion.

Soy in commercial feed is heat-treated, partly to neutralize the anti-nutrients. Apparently, it doesn't take a lot of heat and cooking.

I'd bet that since edamame is harvested green, the beans have less of these anti-nutrients but, don't really know. I would cook them a little and give them to the birds

. . . well actually, I'd eat them myself

YUCK!!!! I hate the taste of that stuff!!! I do eat the fermented soy products on occasion though.

Personally, I would not give it to my flock.

Google "soy dangers", and then make your own choice.
Nearly half of the soybean meal produced in the US is fed to poultry. Soybean Meal Use

Poultry feed is commonly formulated with about 20% to 30%, or higher, of soybean meal. Poultry Diets, University of Florida

Perhaps, I should not have expressed a personal preference because the question was in regard to what chickens eat. The responses went immediately to personal taste. However, taste is subjective.

This "subject" grows soybeans in his own garden for use as Edamame.

I agree with beachchickie, I also feed my flock cooked soybeans, also in moderation and they seem to enjoy them and have not had any health problems with any of my chickens.
Im not sure what the 'twang' taste is..i just ate an entire bag of them. My dogs love them but I make them open them up themselves...keeps them busy. They also eat peanuts and shell them themselves.
I believe Edamame is a relative of the soybean. It's green, and shaped like a Lima bean. It's also completely safe to eat raw.

A soy bean is tan, and round. Shaped very much like a garbonzo bean. I believe it's protein content is higher and it does have significant digestive issues if consumed raw. That's why it's roasted before being added to animal feed.

My thought is Edamame would be a fine, but expensive snack for your chickens. Personally I would eat the Edamame myself and toss the chickens a handful of cat kibbles or leftovers from meals that you don't want to eat anymore.

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