I lost my goose yesterday only to find her in the kid pen, was wondering why she stopped laying! ughhhh
Naughty gooserz. Hi Sunshine :hugs :love
Thank you
the name fit - for my life and household..and all the wierdo animals we have.
Up to 2 dogs, 2 goats, 3 ducks, 1 pig, 16 chickens(for the moment), and 4 turtles
I have a bladder infection. Man, this hurts like the dickens. Started antibiotics and i'm a little better this morning. We find out in about 10 days if we are pregnant. Infection couldn't have been at a worse time :(
Thank you
the name fit - for my life and household..and all the wierdo animals we have.
Up to 2 dogs, 2 goats, 3 ducks, 1 pig, 16 chickens(for the moment), and 4 turtles

Uh huh.... we don't have turtles, much to the chagrin of my oldest DD asking, repeatedly for a pet turtle.

We have 60ish chickens, 8 turkeys (3 are in the brooder from our first hatch from our flock of 5.) 18 ducks now, because I couldn't convince my husband to process the extra boys. 1 pig, 9+ goats, 1 horse, 1 pony, 6 dogs. 6? cats. (although one of the barn cats is on borrowed time, since he keeps killing my grow-out chicks.)

And a pair of very sweet, sebastapol geese.

Want some turkey hatching eggs? :p
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