Well some crazy duck person has told me I shall not talk about them on here so I can't tell you.
Morning Mel

Hi mel, how's the web??

Mornin' Justin, how are the gooserz eggies?
The web was ok yesterday surprisingly! It did its color and numb thing for a bit but the pain was very localized so I will take that. Banti you made me LOL this am. When I worked midnights, my favorite tech and I would go in to patients rooms at 4 am to do the blood and vitals needed. we would knock on the door and say "Wakey wakey" ... yeah they weren't happy
The web was ok yesterday surprisingly! It did its color and numb thing for a bit but the pain was very localized so I will take that. Banti you made me LOL this am. When I worked midnights, my favorite tech and I would go in to patients rooms at 4 am to do the blood and vitals needed. we would knock on the door and say "Wakey wakey" ... yeah they weren't happy
Good news!

Maybe you were my nurse a few years ago.

If I was able to move or speak much I would have told them to leave me alone for goodness sakes, coz I wasn't planning on dying anytime soon.
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Quote: Training for the baby Olympics father's have when the mother's aren't around.

Quote: Funny Liz!

Here's the group of Altsterier the hen set and hatched on September 27.

Nice, how did you get interested in the breed?

My 11 OEGB eggs are officially in lock down. I slowed down turning them late Thursday afternoon. I was seeing a lot of twitchy rocking in a couple of the eggs and about three more wouldn't stay in the position I put them in when I turned them so I gave up. I started keeping the humidity up yesterday and keeping an eye on them. My Brinsea handbook says it's okay to top off the water reservoir as long as you don't do it more frequently than every 6 hours and/or see any pips. Since I didn't see any signs of a pip, I topped it off and checked a couple of eggs for internal pip. None yet so now the waiting begins.

I did 5 years as an OB nurse. Delivered two babies when the doc didn't get there in time. I've worked with Alzehimers and dementia patients, including my own parents. I've done CPR 3 times, but I tell ya guys. THIS is what I consider real stress! LOL! I even have been listening for peeps with my stethoscope and standing over the incubator yelling PIP BLAST YOU! at the top of my lungs.

There is never any Xanax around when you REALLY need them.
Good luck. Relax a little, hatching should be fun.

OMG, I am SOOOOOO tired. And sunburned. And sore. I got several saplings down, dismantled a smaller brush pile (still working on the big one), began clearing the areas for the growout tractors, and spent some special alone time with my wood chipper. Then chicken chores right up until they were fussing at me to get out of their way so they could roost, then mowed the grass until it was too dark to see, then raced off to TSC to get feed before they closed (thank goodness they loaded the bags into my car for me - not sure I could have done it. Then grocery store. Now I'm having the dinner of champions - chips with cheese dip mixed with Rotel, chips with guacamole, and a beer. I did the read back, and am hoping I can stay conscious long enough to finish this post...

- Ant Farm
Sunburned! You had a rather busy day.

Quote: No one sells their best uddered doe. She appears to have a very good udder.

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