This thread was a really good read. I used to hatch chicks many many years ago than stopped due to life changes. Now I am married and moved into a place I can hatch some chicks and start back up with some chickens of my own.
So right now I have 7 slikie eggs that should be hatching next weekend. I have another incubator with 10 white crested Polish, 6 Salmon faverolles, and 7 Indio Gigante. these just got put in yesterday. Can't wait for there hatch day.

I at moment own 2 Ameraucana's and 3 Easter eggers that I hatched back in Jan this year. :)
Question, first year hatching chicks and they currently are on day 19 it’ll be 21 Friday. The heat has been a consistent 102 and humidity has stayed in the low fifty’s UNTIL recent, I had what seen to be a leaking egg/ rotten and I guess it exploded so I took the lid off and took about 5 minutes to clean it, that is absolutely the most and longest the kids ever been off.Since then the humidity has been staying at about 48-49 and I cannot figure out why or how to get back up, will we still have chicks hatch, should we be seeing chciks starting to hatch by tomorrow?
Hoping your hatch went well
Goooooooooood MORNING! Guess what today is? That is correct! We have another special birthday! I have this one as a milestone birthday… :eek: I didn’t know people could get that old! Whew!
This thread was a really good read. I used to hatch chicks many many years ago than stopped due to life changes. Now I am married and moved into a place I can hatch some chicks and start back up with some chickens of my own.
So right now I have 7 slikie eggs that should be hatching next weekend. I have another incubator with 10 white crested Polish, 6 Salmon faverolles, and 7 Indio Gigante. these just got put in yesterday. Can't wait for there hatch day.

I at moment own 2 Ameraucana's and 3 Easter eggers that I hatched back in Jan this year. :)
Good luck & just remember
Pics or it didn’t happen

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