EE production


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 6, 2009
Needmore, PA
I was wondering about what type of production i could expect from typical hatchery EE's? I plan on incorporating white leghorn and or balck austro's to increase production in future generations, and advice on how to pull that off would be cool as well.
This past spring, my easter eggers laid approx. 2 eggs every 3 days versus 3 eggs every 3 days for my leghorns, barred rocks & PR and 1 egg every other day for the barnevelders. We've had temps up to 115 here and issues of bumblefoot (treatment & isoloation is a bit stressful for the hens), so their laying has decreased in the past couple weeks.
I have 3 laying EEs and they will not stop laying unless they are molting. Sometimes my EEs take a break from laying once a month but I highly recomend them.

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