
In the Brooder
Mar 11, 2023
My hen had her vent out the other day so I treated her as needed and the next day, I noticed she had a hard time to poop. I put her in a warm bath and her vent came back out and noticed that there was an egg stuck in there so I helped her and got it out. She seemed better but now, I noticing she's still trying to pass an egg but I could only feel one when I took her egg out. I really don't what to do at this point. HELLPPPP!! She's my favorite hen and I really don't want her to die.
Prolapsed vent? Like, her insides are coming out? Can you post a picture please? And delete your other thread or click on Report and ask Admin to delete it. Having two threads on the same topic just makes it harder for people to help you. Thanks.
Prolapsed vent? Like, her insides are coming out? Can you post a picture please? And delete your other thread or click on Report and ask Admin to delete it. Having two threads on the same topic just makes it harder for people to help you. Thanks.
I don't have a picture. Her vent is in she's fine on that part. I got her egg out, she was egg bound. But now, I feel like she's still trying to lay lay an egg, i could only feel one when I got it out.
Can you get some Calcium Citrate +D3 tablets? Walmart, Walgreens, most any grocery has them in the vitamin section. Give her one a day for five days. Just pull gently on her wattles to get her to open beak and pop it in, and she will swallow it no problem. It will help her pass an egg if she's egg bound. She has oyster shell always available, right?

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