Egg bound??

Apr 28, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
I’ve noticed a hen for the past 2 night being fluffed up it had been really cold and I noticed other puffed so I didn’t think too much of it. Today I wanted to see if she even left the coop and how she acted. She was out but still visibly puffed up while no one else was. I noticed her feathers under her vent were messy so I checked it out and she had broke egg shell and white/green poop stuck to her.
I now have her in a hot bath but I’m unsure if she’s egg bound, has a broken egg inside her or something else going on.
She seems to be liking the bath however. I will keep her inside for observation but just wondering what anyone else has to say on this situation?
I’ve never had an egg bound hen in my whole chicken owning. She is drinking and maybe eating? They free range so hard to say but she didn’t seem to interested in scratch however her crop does feel like she’s eating. She’s maybe 1.5yr old and we free choice oyster shells.
Just at a loss on this one and don’t want to leave her to die.
After sitting awhile I noticed her get up and trying to push out the egg. I was hoping it was a full egg but turns out it was a broken egg ): there was a small piece sticking out so I lubed up and slowly worked it out. How will I know if this is all of it or not??

She might have been egg bound and the egg broke inside.
edited to say, yes that looks like a collapsed egg shell. She may have been having trouble laying that egg.
I would give her a human calcium citrate tablet with vitamin d today and tomorrow to help her muscle contractions. If there is more shell or membrane it should come out. Get that at most vitamin aisles, such as Walmart or Walgreens, etc. Generic is cheapest and fine to use. Be sure to dry her with a towel and hairdryer. Poop can be green when they are not eating much. Is she on a layer feed? Make sure that she is drinking some water, and offer some wet chickens
@Eggcessive we make our own feed now and have for about 3 months with no issues. Will make sure to dry her well and keep her isolated. I’ll try and get some calcium citrate for her. I didn’t want to keep poking around in there since that was the only part I could feel. The piece stuck to her butt fluff was around the same size.
She seems okay today. There are large amounts of white poop in the crate today. I offered water over night but once I put it to her face she drank some. I made egg&whole milk scrambled egg for her and she eagerly ate that once I put it to her face but not all of it. I was able to break the pill in half and got half down her but it was very stressful for her so I didn’t get the other half in to give her time to relax again.
Should I do the bath again?
Assume it’s all out and just let her recover?

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