Egg Bound?


Jun 21, 2023
Help! How do you know if your duck is egg bound? Do ducks stop laying in the winter? Our pekin hasn’t laid an egg all week, but it has been super cold so we thought maybe she slowed down or stopped. But today she is just sitting in one spot in the kennel. Not really moving around. I’m at work, so just checking on her on the camera we have set up. What can we do? My girlfriend checked her abdomen, but as she was doing it she realized she’s not sure what it felt like before today so doesn’t know if there is a difference now or not. What can we do to make sure she’s okay? Any suggestion helpful please!!! Thank you! I don’t want anything to happen to my Dewey… she is the sweetest girl ever.
usually they will lay kind of flat on the ground, away from everyone else, and it looks like they are trying to get something out , the tail pumps up and down a little
what do you feed?
how old is she?
only the first year or so my ducks lay through all winter
do you give calcium on the side (like a dish of oyster shells crushed or flaked?)
It is good to have a bottle of calcium gluconate in your duck first aid kit so if a duck is eggbound you can give her 1ml a day for a few days that will usually help her push the egg out . I get durvet brand at tsc or amazon it says injectible for cattle but we give it orally to ducks

I give it by syringe (no needle)
great. and if you really think she’s eggbound then also a nice soak in a lukewarm water tub will also help her with passing the egg.
and even if it’s not eggbound it doesn’t hurt to give her the calcium anyway.
Okay yes we soaked her in warm water today. And gave her the 1ml of the calcium. She is will do it once a day and hopefully it helps. She is still drinking some water. Little sips. But I don’t believe she ate anything today.
@Miss Lydia This is what my girlfriend said as she if as home with her and I’m at work. All I can do at work is watch the camera: “She's idling. Sitting in one spot and not moving around very much. Seems to be breathing heavily or pushing or both. Not eating. Still drinking tho. Poop was like diarrhea. Green and white.” ….. what can we do…??? I’m so nervous.
hey miss lydia, just a update on Dewey, if you're able to take the time to read it and see if you have any ideas on what to do from here. She seems to be eating a little today, and drinking more water. we gave her some calcium water (tum crushed up in it) because we need 2 people to give her the calcium with the syringe. She looks like she is having a hard time walking though, seems to be really waddling an extra lot. She is spending more time in the coop than out with the other girls though. She seems to still be breathing heavy or pushing. She did poop as i was typing this, its brown and white today, yesterday it seems to be green and white. Today it is brown and white, mucousy not formed, but not completely liquid either. I had read before about natural medicines for the ducks like apple cider vinegar for respiratory issues, and some others about herbs helping by adding it to their food sprinkling it in. not sure if you have experience with it? or if you have any advice for us on what to do from here? thank you

@amanda_rimo hows your duck today?

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