Egg challenge (pride flag)


Fluffiest In The Flock
Dec 4, 2020
Can you make a pride flag made out of eggs? Feel free to paint your eggs, or use the natural colours that you have. You can make a pride flag, or anything related to the pride flag. If you wish you don’t have to use eggs. You can use anything you’d like to make a pride flag/symbol (example:fruit,leafs,flowers).

If your interested in making a country’s flag, press on this link:
Thread 'Egg Flag Contest! (Ends June 18th)'

Please make sure to follow BYC rules. This is just something to do for fun. If you don’t support it then feel free to move on. I don’t want any fighting.

@CHlCKEN @ButtonHoarder @chickentrains (Sorry if any of you didn’t want to be tagged)
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Could be better

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