Egg colors

Jan 22, 2022
I have 3 silkies and I think one started to lay and we already have one laying but we are getting brown and white small eggs. I thought that breeds only lay one color of eggs? Does that mean their not the same breed?
Hello! As a chicken expert, I can tell you that different breeds of chickens can lay different colors of eggs. It is true that some breeds, like Leghorns, typically lay white eggs, while others, like Easter Eggers, can lay a range of colors including blue, green, or brown.

Silkies are known for laying small cream-colored eggs, but it is possible that your hens may be crosses or hybrids that are laying brown or white eggs. The important thing is to focus on the quality and taste of the eggs rather than their color.

If you want to confirm the breed of your chickens, you can do some research online or reach out to a local chicken expert or breeder for guidance.

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