egg crushed before!?


10 Years
Sep 29, 2009
West Point, GA
Someone said I should post this here, so here goes:
One of my hens has not given me any eggs since her first egg (laid saturday) so I have been watching her very closely. I keep catching her in the nest box, but no eggs. After a lengthy egg song earlier today and again, no egg, I decided to finally catch her (she is BY FAR my flightiest girl...and quite a fighter-I had a lot of scratches when I caught her to clip her wings -she still jumps/flies out of the run he ). When I turned her over to look at her vent and such there was what looked like a whisked-up egg oozing out (now granted, it may have been watery egg yolk colored poo-but it didn't look like it ) Did the stress of me catching her crush it? Or was it maybe a little too big for her to lay and it was stuck there, ready to burst? I saw no shell bits or anything like that. The other hens lay everyday without fail (good thick-shelled beautiful eggs)...any idea what is going on with her? She's my only green egg layer so I hope she'll lay again at some point. I'm terrified she was egg bound and I didn't know it. Oh, and before I caught her I did notice what i though was poo on her feathers below her vent-bit it looked fairly light colored...could it have been old dried egg that had oozed out? What on Earth is going on with her?

PS: I'm fairly new to chickens, so I seek your wisdom :>
aww poor thing
I don't know any answers but I'll bump you to the top of the page and maybe someone else with more wisdom will help you.
I am wondering if this is what has happened to a chicken of mine as well. She was very lethargic and was pooping out sort of foamy stuff (like egg whites as mentioned above) She seems to be doing better now, but her bum is quite dirty. I am wondering if I can wash a chicken butt? Cause that sounds like fun : )
Just found this on another post, my chicken poo looked a lot like the "white foamy poo" down near the bottom of the page.
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