Egg drop Syndrome?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 28, 2010
North Idaho
I bought my first chics this spring and they just started laying late this summer.
This week their egg production dropped dramatically and I have noticed a lot of shell less eggs. Today I noticed one of my BR's acting sick and having runny diarrhea. I've already successfully treated one who was egg bound and she acts the same, but with the low egg production, I worry.
Is this just the normal slowing of the fall season or do I have bigger things to worry about?
I am not sure but I wanted to let you know that sine it has cooled off some I am getting more eggs now than I have all summer!
our girls are the same age. All summer I got 2 or 3 eggs 4 if I was lucky. AND now I am getting 8 eggs a day!

Sorry but I believe this is the same with all the girls
hope you figure it out!!
I was just doing some reading and I think my problem is the pack of coyotes that have been making themselves heard lately. The chickens are safe and secure in their coop at night but I'm sure they hear the howling, I know they wake me up around 1am. This happens every fall along with the raccoons, later we will get moose in our yard.
But I still love living in North Idaho!

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