Egg eater owners- have you tried this?


Crossing the Road
7 Years
Mar 18, 2017
I have some new layers that peck their eggs out of curiosity. The other hens always ignore the ones that aren't broken, but go crazy over the ones that are. I want to stop this before they figure out that the whole eggs taste good too.

I tried a mustard egg, they wouldn't touch it until I cracked it a bit. THEY. WENT. CRAZY! Soooo, they love mustard.

My question is, has anyone tried using stop-pick in an egg? I know it's expensive, but I'm wondering if it might work.
In my experiences chickens will eat broken eggs. I feed many raw eggs daily back to my chickens. They love them, but I make sure they aren't egg shaped when they hit the ground. It doesn't necessarily translate into egg eating.

Keep your protein content up on your feed so you hens aren't craving extra protein. Keep ceramic eggs in the boxes so pecking is unsuccessful, and collect often to prevent intentional egg eating. Most hens will eat broken eggs to clean the nest.

Roll away nests are a good option too if you are having problems.

And no, I haven't tried the no pick. :)
Thanks for your reply!

Thanks for the advice! Grower feed in Canada has less protein than layer feed, so should I buy chick starter and supplement oyster shell?

Good to know! I have bucket boxes right now, but I would be very willing to build those.
I had this problem a while back.i bought 2 fake eggs and dumped a bag of oyster shell.It seemed to have worked.They move those stone eggs back n forth.
Thanks for your reply!

Thanks for the advice! Grower feed in Canada has less protein than layer feed, so should I buy chick starter and supplement oyster shell?

Good to know! I have bucket boxes right now, but I would be very willing to build those.
I like something with 18-22% protein depending on how much extras you feed to avoid deficiencies. I currently feed a all flock ration, but I have fed a grower starter to my bantam flock for many years. The calcium needs are met by a separate bowl of oyster shells, and of course some egg shells.
I like something with 18-22% protein depending on how much extras you feed to avoid deficiencies. I currently feed a all flock ration, but I have fed a grower starter to my bantam flock for many years. The calcium needs are met by a separate bowl of oyster shells, and of course some egg shells.
Okay, great to know! Once I get through my 1,250 pounds of layer feed I'll buy chick starter. :D Maybe I'll get some Calf manna for now.

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