Egg Mystery - Too many!


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
Ok BYC'ers, I've got a mystery on my hands.

My first hen started 3/30. Star, my EE, starting laying beautiful bluish green eggs. She was a little off the first few days as I expected. But I got an egg a day from 4/3-4/5. So yesterday I went to check for eggs and found 2 soft shelled green eggs. She's the only hen that's supposed to lay colored eggs, and the only hen laying for that matter. The other two hens in that coop are a Barred Rock and a blue Silkie.

So is it possible that she really laid 2 eggs in less than 24 hours?
I have had times were I only have 8 chickens in the run and end up with 10 eggs.. i check all day and know that I had checked that morning but sure enough we still got 10...
Wow! I didn't realize that they could lay two eggs that quick.

Thanks guys
I found two eggs laid by a duck today. Well I think it was just one. One had no shell but the other did. I know it takes a while for things to settle into a normal routine - but I kind of like the odd ones... Wish the softy egg could be incubated- sure would make candling easier.

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