Egg Mystery

are the eggs really small? Ussually first pullet eggs are small.
Have you found any new ones? Once they start laying you are likely to get more within a day or two.
I just got my Orp girls on Saturday. I found the the eggs on Sunday. One was bigger & one was smaller. I didn't find any yesterday and will check again when I go home today. I have my fingers crossed I will find something!!!

If it was from my new girls, do you know why the yolk would be scrambled? I have been researching on some things on it but I couldn't find a whole lot on it.

If they float they are bad. The one I opened up did not smell bad but the till was scrambled inside the shell so I don't know if ththat would affect the float test or not???
if you have hard water, the eggs may float even if they are fresh... depends on the mineral content of your water...

When you cracked open the one, was the volume of the contents much less than you would expect from an egg? If so, it is old and stale...

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